Concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format - badges/shields
[]( []( [snyk-version] - The version of snyk that is installed in the image, if version is omitted it will use the latest version. [package-manager] - One of the available package managers (e.g: npm, mvn, gradle, etc [package-manager-version… WeChat Bot SDK for Individual Account, Powered by TypeScript, Docker, and - wechaty/wechaty Azure Pipelines task version bumper. Contribute to swellaby/azp-bump development by creating an account on GitHub. Lightweight utility for retrieving the version of globally installed npm packages, such as yeoman generators - swellaby/get-package-version Tutorial when creating a new repo and want to use badges ;-) - OmerHerera/badges JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer - standard/standard
RunKit notebooks are interactive javascript playgrounds connected to a complete node environment right in your browser. Every npm module pre-installed. Quickly create responsive HTML emails that work on any device and client. Even Outlook. - foundation/foundation-emails Node.js npm registry (GET) API with TypeScript def - SlimIO/Npm-registry Contribute to Necmttn/adminMango development by creating an account on GitHub. javascript modules for using the GitHub API. Contribute to github-modules/github-api-modules development by creating an account on GitHub. Microsoft Graph client library for JavaScript. Contribute to microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-javascript development by creating an account on GitHub. Creates a leaflet polyline with a 'ant-path' animated flux - rubenspgcavalcante/leaflet-ant-path
discord travis npm version npm downloads Standard - JavaScript Style Guide If you use standard in your project, you can include one of these badges in your A Project status badge is a dynamically generated image displaying the status of the last build. You can put a status badge on the home page of your GitHub Get recognition for learning that happens anywhere. Then share it on the places that matter. A digital badge is an online representation of a skill you've earned. downloads today, downloads in this week, downloads in this month Badge URL: 10 May 2018 Snippets to quickly insert badges into HTML, Markdown, Download the package extension from the the release page and install it from the svg-npm-ver - the version of a Node package; svg-gpl3 - link to GNU Each badge is an object containing 3 properties: url for the badge's image URL, Always use the latest vsce so npm install -g vsce to make sure you have it. David gets you an overview of your project dependencies, the version you use Then it's all boiled down into a badge showing the current status, which you
We serve fast and scalable informational images as badges for GitHub, Travis CI, Downloads Platform & Version Support Your Badge. Static. Make Badge discord, gitlab, npm, paypal, serverfault, stackexchange, superuser, telegram, (version): (version) badge, /crates/dv/:crate/:version /github/downloads-pre/:user/:repo/:tag/total /jsdelivr/npm/:period/:packageName. 9 Dec 2019 The definitive collection of badges for rendering. Install. npm i badges. Fund this package. Weekly Downloads. 333 Version Badge provides a consistent way for the community to learn about the package associated with a particular Github repository and other documentation 12 Apr 2017 Not sure when it started but looks like all of the npm total downloads badges are incorrectly showing as zero. Monthly downloads appear to still
javascript modules for using the GitHub API. Contribute to github-modules/github-api-modules development by creating an account on GitHub.